Full Page Advertisement Option
A full color advertisement in the physical NW/NE Materials Show Directory. Ad Specs: 8.5 inches x 11 inches, PDF only Pricing: $500.00 Per Ad Per Show

Directory Cover Sponsorship
Advertise your company with your logo placed appropriately on the front cover of the NW or NE Directory. It will include “Sponsored by:” and your booth number alongside the logo. Accepted logo formats: .png. .pdf, .ai, .svg, .jpg

Show Badge Sponsorship
Display your company’s logo on The Materials Show Visitor badges. Pricing: $4000.00 per show
Featured Company Listing
Get preferred placement at the top of the Exhibitor Listings for The Digital Directory and the in-person NW and NE Materials Shows. Pricing: $500.00
Email marketing
Send out an email marketing campaign with The Materials Show. Reach over 13,000 industry insiders with a custom post on your company. This is a great opportunity to let all potential attendees know about you and what you are bringing to the show before the event. Pricing: $2,000.00 per email

Homepage Banner Ad Popup Date Selection
Displayed at custom locations across the website. Feature an advertisement of your choice and link it to your company’s profile or website. Banner Specs: 1000px by 200px .jpg, .png, and .gif only